Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2024
Generated 22-Oct-2024 00:33 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2024
Total Hits 183258
Total Files 128878
Total Pages 149293
Total Visits 8974
Total KBytes 3939124
Total Unique Sites 4862
Total Unique URLs 1975
Total Unique Referrers 1877
Total Unique User Agents 810
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 347 3213
Hits per Day 8329 20797
Files per Day 5858 16998
Pages per Day 6786 18067
Sites per Day 221 777
Visits per Day 407 889
KBytes per Day 179051 388838
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 1
Code 200 - OK 70.33% 128878
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.20% 371
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 24.01% 44002
Code 302 - Found 0.01% 24
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.12% 229
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.01% 19
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.06% 105
Code 404 - Not Found 5.24% 9610
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 6
Code 409 - Conflict 0.00% 7
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 2
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.00% 4

Daily usage for October 2024

Daily Statistics for October 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 20797 11.35% 16998 13.19% 18067 12.10% 681 7.59% 662 13.62% 260297 6.61%
2 10358 5.65% 8232 6.39% 9345 6.26% 464 5.17% 594 12.22% 197160 5.01%
3 7880 4.30% 4961 3.85% 6417 4.30% 356 3.97% 431 8.86% 122774 3.12%
4 9512 5.19% 7768 6.03% 8490 5.69% 377 4.20% 393 8.08% 234997 5.97%
5 8969 4.89% 6629 5.14% 7905 5.29% 493 5.49% 491 10.10% 168500 4.28%
6 6969 3.80% 4475 3.47% 5616 3.76% 389 4.33% 384 7.90% 118759 3.01%
7 8946 4.88% 6242 4.84% 7387 4.95% 359 4.00% 456 9.38% 163805 4.16%
8 9678 5.28% 7783 6.04% 8731 5.85% 530 5.91% 530 10.90% 196969 5.00%
9 9051 4.94% 7451 5.78% 8395 5.62% 392 4.37% 427 8.78% 222204 5.64%
10 10290 5.62% 7546 5.86% 8439 5.65% 378 4.21% 404 8.31% 187930 4.77%
11 7630 4.16% 6202 4.81% 6581 4.41% 394 4.39% 440 9.05% 141083 3.58%
12 11417 6.23% 8480 6.58% 9305 6.23% 344 3.83% 428 8.80% 254197 6.45%
13 13716 7.48% 10690 8.29% 11244 7.53% 441 4.91% 692 14.23% 294207 7.47%
14 8611 4.70% 6307 4.89% 6551 4.39% 319 3.55% 559 11.50% 146598 3.72%
15 4625 2.52% 2797 2.17% 3479 2.33% 337 3.76% 539 11.09% 115031 2.92%
16 5040 2.75% 3162 2.45% 4097 2.74% 889 9.91% 777 15.98% 275041 6.98%
17 4919 2.68% 1824 1.42% 3296 2.21% 374 4.17% 463 9.52% 85660 2.17%
18 9113 4.97% 3984 3.09% 6244 4.18% 524 5.84% 547 11.25% 258328 6.56%
19 9693 5.29% 5328 4.13% 5835 3.91% 426 4.75% 519 10.67% 388838 9.87%
20 3889 2.12% 1402 1.09% 2372 1.59% 303 3.38% 395 8.12% 72896 1.85%
21 2144 1.17% 612 0.47% 1489 1.00% 300 3.34% 386 7.94% 33816 0.86%
22 11 0.01% 5 0.00% 8 0.01% 6 0.07% 9 0.19% 35 0.00%

Hourly usage for October 2024

Hourly Statistics for October 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 293 6451 3.52% 211 4650 3.61% 247 5453 3.65% 7100 156206 3.97%
1 315 6951 3.79% 227 4995 3.88% 263 5793 3.88% 7751 170531 4.33%
2 340 7496 4.09% 209 4598 3.57% 262 5769 3.86% 6138 135026 3.43%
3 343 7555 4.12% 185 4078 3.16% 249 5485 3.67% 5747 126442 3.21%
4 252 5561 3.03% 167 3689 2.86% 217 4785 3.21% 5853 128774 3.27%
5 356 7847 4.28% 268 5908 4.58% 311 6856 4.59% 7290 160379 4.07%
6 269 5930 3.24% 199 4392 3.41% 237 5221 3.50% 5788 127331 3.23%
7 328 7223 3.94% 228 5031 3.90% 254 5604 3.75% 6285 138263 3.51%
8 497 10950 5.98% 277 6110 4.74% 351 7729 5.18% 8164 179609 4.56%
9 363 7992 4.36% 241 5321 4.13% 281 6182 4.14% 7242 159331 4.04%
10 364 8029 4.38% 286 6305 4.89% 300 6620 4.43% 6334 139340 3.54%
11 317 6995 3.82% 251 5543 4.30% 270 5943 3.98% 5625 123752 3.14%
12 292 6441 3.51% 208 4587 3.56% 250 5504 3.69% 5568 122503 3.11%
13 476 10489 5.72% 386 8504 6.60% 411 9043 6.06% 9715 213720 5.43%
14 588 12947 7.06% 418 9196 7.14% 455 10018 6.71% 9902 217842 5.53%
15 327 7213 3.94% 247 5443 4.22% 290 6385 4.28% 7306 160742 4.08%
16 269 5931 3.24% 192 4224 3.28% 213 4693 3.14% 7706 169542 4.30%
17 345 7606 4.15% 224 4940 3.83% 256 5651 3.79% 14619 321611 8.16%
18 267 5891 3.21% 193 4257 3.30% 217 4777 3.20% 6017 132383 3.36%
19 317 6979 3.81% 224 4935 3.83% 268 5911 3.96% 7131 156873 3.98%
20 335 7376 4.02% 262 5767 4.47% 296 6517 4.37% 8356 183831 4.67%
21 355 7831 4.27% 242 5331 4.14% 281 6195 4.15% 7490 164774 4.18%
22 331 7301 3.98% 239 5276 4.09% 278 6125 4.10% 7888 173534 4.41%
23 376 8273 4.51% 263 5798 4.50% 319 7034 4.71% 8036 176787 4.49%

Top 30 of 1975 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 90668 49.48% 2542978 64.56% /muziek/
2 3308 1.81% 21957 0.56% /foto/
3 1569 0.86% 118052 3.00% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
4 1499 0.82% 168776 4.28% /stats/usage_202402.html
5 1271 0.69% 144340 3.66% /stats/usage_202404.html
6 1260 0.69% 144577 3.67% /stats/usage_202403.html
7 955 0.52% 7399 0.19% /
8 612 0.33% 2384 0.06% /wordpress/wp-cron.php
9 401 0.22% 785 0.02% /images/rainbow.gif
10 336 0.18% 3077 0.08% /stats/usage_201707.html
11 327 0.18% 828 0.02% /lau-print.css
12 322 0.18% 966 0.02% /lau.css
13 313 0.17% 257027 6.52% /boek/
14 298 0.16% 1724 0.04% /images/laura-logo.gif
15 270 0.15% 22740 0.58% /gastenboek/archief.php
16 253 0.14% 3804 0.10% /stats/usage_202305.html
17 246 0.13% 8604 0.22% /recepten/
18 242 0.13% 8857 0.22% /wordpress/gastenboek/
19 218 0.12% 12771 0.32% /weblog/atom.xml
20 212 0.12% 1368 0.03% /wordpress/gastenboek/embed/
21 212 0.12% 321 0.01% /wordpress/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed
22 211 0.12% 1421 0.04% /wordpress/egyptische-blogger-in-de-gevangenis/embed/
23 211 0.12% 1432 0.04% /wordpress/muziek-maken-en-abc-notatie/embed/
24 211 0.12% 1436 0.04% /wordpress/probleem-wordpress-met-theme-atahualpa-zoekveld-in-menubalk/embed/
25 211 0.12% 1422 0.04% /wordpress/vakantie-engeland-verjaardag-judge-smith-2/embed/
26 210 0.11% 1412 0.04% /wordpress/deepest-sender-2/embed/
27 210 0.11% 1381 0.04% /wordpress/test-foto-publiceren-met-blogger/embed/
28 209 0.11% 1421 0.04% /wordpress/aanstaande-maandag-een-nachtje-ziekenhuis-2/embed/
29 209 0.11% 1425 0.04% /wordpress/alternatieven-voor-software-met-veiligheidsproblemen-2/embed/
30 209 0.11% 1382 0.04% /wordpress/een-iglo-in-nijmegen/embed/

Top 10 of 1975 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 90668 49.48% 2542978 64.56% /muziek/
2 313 0.17% 257027 6.52% /boek/
3 1499 0.82% 168776 4.28% /stats/usage_202402.html
4 1260 0.69% 144577 3.67% /stats/usage_202403.html
5 1271 0.69% 144340 3.66% /stats/usage_202404.html
6 1569 0.86% 118052 3.00% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
7 270 0.15% 22740 0.58% /gastenboek/archief.php
8 3308 1.81% 21957 0.56% /foto/
9 4 0.00% 13490 0.34% /foto/fotoalbum/2014-04april-23-Laura-kort-haar-3.jpg
10 218 0.12% 12771 0.32% /weblog/atom.xml

Top 10 of 562 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 955 0.52% 799 9.69% /
2 90668 49.48% 751 9.11% /muziek/
3 1569 0.86% 557 6.76% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
4 80 0.04% 472 5.72% /stats/
5 3308 1.81% 356 4.32% /foto/
6 13 0.01% 222 2.69% /stats/usage_201409.html
7 313 0.17% 220 2.67% /boek/
8 246 0.13% 206 2.50% /recepten/
9 253 0.14% 142 1.72% /stats/usage_202305.html
10 197 0.11% 120 1.46% /stats/usage_202410.html

Top 10 of 567 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 90668 49.48% 767 9.27% /muziek/
2 955 0.52% 708 8.56% /
3 1569 0.86% 558 6.74% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
4 80 0.04% 532 6.43% /stats/
5 3308 1.81% 478 5.78% /foto/
6 313 0.17% 218 2.63% /boek/
7 246 0.13% 209 2.53% /recepten/
8 13 0.01% 177 2.14% /stats/usage_201409.html
9 197 0.11% 167 2.02% /stats/usage_202410.html
10 253 0.14% 99 1.20% /stats/usage_202305.html

Top 30 of 4862 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 15280 8.34% 14099 10.94% 830448 21.08% 310 3.45%
2 7827 4.27% 4464 3.46% 488195 12.39% 2 0.02%
3 2652 1.45% 0 0.00% 1269 0.03% 17 0.19%
4 2339 1.28% 2324 1.80% 54271 1.38% 11 0.12%
5 2236 1.22% 2199 1.71% 47472 1.21% 10 0.11%
6 2115 1.15% 0 0.00% 957 0.02% 1 0.01%
7 2021 1.10% 2012 1.56% 44441 1.13% 11 0.12%
8 1971 1.08% 1450 1.13% 41328 1.05% 1 0.01%
9 1858 1.01% 1846 1.43% 42866 1.09% 11 0.12%
10 1831 1.00% 1811 1.41% 39611 1.01% 8 0.09%
11 1765 0.96% 1754 1.36% 37169 0.94% 7 0.08%
12 1713 0.93% 1692 1.31% 38421 0.98% 8 0.09%
13 1664 0.91% 1657 1.29% 37226 0.95% 6 0.07%
14 1598 0.87% 1590 1.23% 35396 0.90% 8 0.09%
15 1544 0.84% 1537 1.19% 34239 0.87% 7 0.08%
16 1512 0.83% 1494 1.16% 35963 0.91% 8 0.09%
17 1503 0.82% 1497 1.16% 34126 0.87% 6 0.07%
18 1491 0.81% 1475 1.14% 33840 0.86% 7 0.08%
19 1402 0.77% 700 0.54% 6683 0.17% 327 3.64%
20 1351 0.74% 1296 1.01% 27137 0.69% 8 0.09%
21 1331 0.73% 1326 1.03% 29733 0.75% 5 0.06%
22 1331 0.73% 1297 1.01% 29080 0.74% 7 0.08%
23 1276 0.70% 320 0.25% 4477 0.11% 30 0.33%
24 1273 0.69% 1261 0.98% 28689 0.73% 6 0.07%
25 1270 0.69% 1204 0.93% 26338 0.67% 9 0.10%
26 1231 0.67% 0 0.00% 589 0.01% 27 0.30%
27 1198 0.65% 1184 0.92% 26707 0.68% 8 0.09%
28 1184 0.65% 1163 0.90% 25786 0.65% 6 0.07%
29 1169 0.64% 1146 0.89% 25191 0.64% 6 0.07%
30 1142 0.62% 1134 0.88% 25512 0.65% 7 0.08%

Top 10 of 4862 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 15280 8.34% 14099 10.94% 830448 21.08% 310 3.45%
2 7827 4.27% 4464 3.46% 488195 12.39% 2 0.02%
3 138 0.08% 134 0.10% 164226 4.17% 1 0.01%
4 2339 1.28% 2324 1.80% 54271 1.38% 11 0.12%
5 2236 1.22% 2199 1.71% 47472 1.21% 10 0.11%
6 2021 1.10% 2012 1.56% 44441 1.13% 11 0.12%
7 1858 1.01% 1846 1.43% 42866 1.09% 11 0.12%
8 1971 1.08% 1450 1.13% 41328 1.05% 1 0.01%
9 1831 1.00% 1811 1.41% 39611 1.01% 8 0.09%
10 1713 0.93% 1692 1.31% 38421 0.98% 8 0.09%

Top 30 of 1877 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 144051 78.61% - (Direct Request)
2 5490 3.00%
3 3374 1.84%
4 2859 1.56%
5 1445 0.79%
6 1383 0.75%
7 955 0.52%
8 925 0.50%
9 876 0.48%
10 820 0.45%
11 812 0.44%
12 565 0.31%
13 562 0.31%
14 432 0.24%
15 364 0.20%
16 301 0.16%
17 266 0.15%
18 260 0.14%
19 225 0.12%
20 203 0.11%
21 188 0.10%
22 188 0.10%
23 181 0.10%
24 180 0.10%
25 171 0.09%
26 165 0.09%
27 154 0.08%
28 151 0.08%
29 147 0.08%
30 147 0.08%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00%

Top 15 of 810 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 79739 43.51% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
2 15280 8.34% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
3 10108 5.52% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
4 4399 2.40% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
5 3527 1.92% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
6 2287 1.25% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0
7 2115 1.15% fasthttp
8 1974 1.08% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeekportBot; +
9 1832 1.00% Go-http-client/1.1
10 1544 0.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
11 1402 0.77% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.66 Safari/537.36
12 1276 0.70% MBCrawler/1.0 (
13 1160 0.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
14 1159 0.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
15 1141 0.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for October 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 183258 100.00% 129249 100.29% 3939124 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23