Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2024
Generated 01-Oct-2024 00:36 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2024
Total Hits 312530
Total Files 232376
Total Pages 269031
Total Visits 12359
Total KBytes 6782810
Total Unique Sites 7358
Total Unique URLs 2544
Total Unique Referrers 1846
Total Unique User Agents 1197
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 434 1801
Hits per Day 10417 28679
Files per Day 7745 25812
Pages per Day 8967 27540
Sites per Day 245 865
Visits per Day 411 690
KBytes per Day 226094 866261
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 3
Code 200 - OK 74.35% 232376
Code 206 - Partial Content 1.00% 3130
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 20.35% 63608
Code 302 - Found 0.22% 700
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.11% 333
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 14
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.07% 227
Code 404 - Not Found 3.88% 12113
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 4
Code 409 - Conflict 0.00% 11
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 3
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.00% 8

Daily usage for September 2024

Daily Statistics for September 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 28679 9.18% 25812 11.11% 27540 10.24% 232 1.88% 336 4.57% 866261 12.77%
2 19939 6.38% 16497 7.10% 18118 6.73% 291 2.35% 478 6.50% 610010 8.99%
3 9835 3.15% 7574 3.26% 8868 3.30% 326 2.64% 468 6.36% 205072 3.02%
4 9214 2.95% 6347 2.73% 7154 2.66% 271 2.19% 443 6.02% 215237 3.17%
5 7903 2.53% 5222 2.25% 6478 2.41% 395 3.20% 398 5.41% 134225 1.98%
6 10114 3.24% 7374 3.17% 8681 3.23% 611 4.94% 600 8.15% 213278 3.14%
7 10516 3.36% 8073 3.47% 9623 3.58% 360 2.91% 407 5.53% 217742 3.21%
8 8867 2.84% 6785 2.92% 8292 3.08% 290 2.35% 331 4.50% 205580 3.03%
9 11777 3.77% 7960 3.43% 8944 3.32% 324 2.62% 454 6.17% 205854 3.03%
10 9533 3.05% 6682 2.88% 7829 2.91% 492 3.98% 511 6.94% 178490 2.63%
11 8314 2.66% 6011 2.59% 7384 2.74% 398 3.22% 468 6.36% 175391 2.59%
12 9732 3.11% 7422 3.19% 8854 3.29% 448 3.62% 499 6.78% 209115 3.08%
13 10008 3.20% 8117 3.49% 8848 3.29% 457 3.70% 629 8.55% 237851 3.51%
14 9402 3.01% 6738 2.90% 7887 2.93% 430 3.48% 618 8.40% 188643 2.78%
15 7919 2.53% 5517 2.37% 6763 2.51% 435 3.52% 779 10.59% 161532 2.38%
16 9702 3.10% 6864 2.95% 8086 3.01% 479 3.88% 527 7.16% 178247 2.63%
17 10287 3.29% 7941 3.42% 9188 3.42% 425 3.44% 551 7.49% 211129 3.11%
18 9891 3.16% 7088 3.05% 8716 3.24% 395 3.20% 527 7.16% 188437 2.78%
19 12687 4.06% 8001 3.44% 9530 3.54% 407 3.29% 516 7.01% 226827 3.34%
20 11411 3.65% 8658 3.73% 9329 3.47% 383 3.10% 479 6.51% 234258 3.45%
21 9078 2.90% 6715 2.89% 7432 2.76% 598 4.84% 448 6.09% 209033 3.08%
22 4604 1.47% 2612 1.12% 3707 1.38% 349 2.82% 443 6.02% 84334 1.24%
23 6499 2.08% 3794 1.63% 5221 1.94% 361 2.92% 419 5.69% 130372 1.92%
24 10386 3.32% 8096 3.48% 9393 3.49% 464 3.75% 554 7.53% 236450 3.49%
25 10823 3.46% 7891 3.40% 8934 3.32% 690 5.58% 865 11.76% 180740 2.66%
26 8225 2.63% 5652 2.43% 6832 2.54% 420 3.40% 607 8.25% 147809 2.18%
27 9995 3.20% 7647 3.29% 8748 3.25% 505 4.09% 477 6.48% 213464 3.15%
28 9403 3.01% 5667 2.44% 7164 2.66% 373 3.02% 435 5.91% 152084 2.24%
29 8690 2.78% 6479 2.79% 7663 2.85% 355 2.87% 432 5.87% 154281 2.27%
30 9097 2.91% 7140 3.07% 7825 2.91% 521 4.22% 584 7.94% 211063 3.11%

Hourly usage for September 2024

Hourly Statistics for September 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 421 12640 4.04% 339 10174 4.38% 373 11206 4.17% 10169 305059 4.50%
1 504 15143 4.85% 353 10598 4.56% 396 11886 4.42% 10459 313779 4.63%
2 432 12965 4.15% 329 9892 4.26% 370 11128 4.14% 9894 296822 4.38%
3 423 12696 4.06% 324 9733 4.19% 370 11114 4.13% 9806 294190 4.34%
4 421 12651 4.05% 331 9944 4.28% 388 11658 4.33% 9440 283211 4.18%
5 398 11953 3.82% 290 8712 3.75% 329 9895 3.68% 7987 239619 3.53%
6 418 12568 4.02% 323 9692 4.17% 379 11383 4.23% 8147 244405 3.60%
7 453 13600 4.35% 361 10854 4.67% 414 12443 4.63% 9988 299649 4.42%
8 374 11229 3.59% 279 8375 3.60% 334 10024 3.73% 8456 253673 3.74%
9 381 11431 3.66% 280 8412 3.62% 328 9865 3.67% 8517 255522 3.77%
10 448 13461 4.31% 329 9872 4.25% 382 11478 4.27% 10259 307774 4.54%
11 497 14926 4.78% 381 11454 4.93% 433 13015 4.84% 11202 336069 4.95%
12 427 12838 4.11% 284 8549 3.68% 350 10518 3.91% 8581 257430 3.80%
13 401 12036 3.85% 286 8590 3.70% 347 10432 3.88% 8973 269180 3.97%
14 497 14925 4.78% 393 11798 5.08% 454 13623 5.06% 11374 341216 5.03%
15 432 12964 4.15% 330 9917 4.27% 367 11036 4.10% 10007 300220 4.43%
16 473 14216 4.55% 334 10030 4.32% 373 11193 4.16% 10278 308341 4.55%
17 353 10619 3.40% 239 7190 3.09% 299 8973 3.34% 7642 229252 3.38%
18 431 12952 4.14% 312 9386 4.04% 369 11089 4.12% 8676 260292 3.84%
19 535 16060 5.14% 392 11762 5.06% 439 13171 4.90% 10731 321941 4.75%
20 437 13128 4.20% 316 9493 4.09% 372 11183 4.16% 8701 261037 3.85%
21 407 12211 3.91% 309 9299 4.00% 366 10982 4.08% 8947 268404 3.96%
22 386 11606 3.71% 267 8026 3.45% 318 9541 3.55% 7871 236125 3.48%
23 457 13712 4.39% 354 10624 4.57% 406 12195 4.53% 9987 299600 4.42%

Top 30 of 2544 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 195621 62.59% 5547287 81.78% /muziek/
2 3216 1.03% 19530 0.29% /foto/
3 2017 0.65% 157145 2.32% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
4 1927 0.62% 177313 2.61% /stats/usage_202409.html
5 1290 0.41% 10287 0.15% /
6 889 0.28% 3469 0.05% /wordpress/wp-cron.php
7 603 0.19% 2023 0.03% /lau-print.css
8 596 0.19% 2330 0.03% /lau.css
9 526 0.17% 248556 3.66% /boek/
10 442 0.14% 3850 0.06% /trouwerij/
11 383 0.12% 2227 0.03% /wordpress/wp-login.php
12 331 0.11% 8027 0.12% /recepten/
13 315 0.10% 4994 0.07% /zon/
14 297 0.10% 12940 0.19% /wordpress/gastenboek/
15 296 0.09% 2790 0.04% /links/links-bekenden.php
16 284 0.09% 1654 0.02% /images/laura-logo.gif
17 271 0.09% 3127 0.05% /adhd/
18 267 0.09% 6878 0.10% /wordpress/
19 244 0.08% 460 0.01% /images/rainbow.gif
20 235 0.08% 2356 0.03% /adhd/links-adhd-en-borderline.php
21 234 0.07% 4711 0.07% /arbeidsongeschikt/herkeuring.php
22 209 0.07% 1654 0.02% /tips/pda.php
23 208 0.07% 1127 0.02% /films/
24 200 0.06% 2875 0.04% /arbeidsongeschikt/logboek.php
25 194 0.06% 396 0.01% /favicon.ico
26 188 0.06% 1076 0.02% /adhd/overlap.php
27 184 0.06% 1871 0.03% /tips/internet-veiligheid.php
28 181 0.06% 1650 0.02% /tips/MidiPlay.php
29 179 0.06% 9047 0.13% /gastenboek/archief.php
30 146 0.05% 4152 0.06% /tips/webbouwen.php

Top 10 of 2544 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 195621 62.59% 5547287 81.78% /muziek/
2 526 0.17% 248556 3.66% /boek/
3 1927 0.62% 177313 2.61% /stats/usage_202409.html
4 2017 0.65% 157145 2.32% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
5 126 0.04% 28049 0.41% /wordpress/wp-admin/edit-comments.php
6 3216 1.03% 19530 0.29% /foto/
7 19 0.01% 15252 0.22% /tips/MidiPlayW7.exe
8 297 0.10% 12940 0.19% /wordpress/gastenboek/
9 1290 0.41% 10287 0.15% /
10 2 0.00% 9953 0.15% /foto/fotoalbum/2009-08aug-04-Zaragoza.jpg

Top 10 of 577 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 195621 62.59% 1374 11.69% /muziek/
2 1290 0.41% 1155 9.83% /
3 2017 0.65% 1006 8.56% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
4 110 0.04% 485 4.13% /stats/
5 526 0.17% 472 4.02% /boek/
6 3216 1.03% 470 4.00% /foto/
7 29 0.01% 411 3.50% /stats/usage_201409.html
8 331 0.11% 326 2.77% /recepten/
9 267 0.09% 141 1.20% /wordpress/
10 1927 0.62% 130 1.11% /stats/usage_202409.html

Top 10 of 575 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 195621 62.59% 1389 11.74% /muziek/
2 1290 0.41% 1058 8.94% /
3 2017 0.65% 995 8.41% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
4 3216 1.03% 577 4.88% /foto/
5 110 0.04% 516 4.36% /stats/
6 526 0.17% 470 3.97% /boek/
7 29 0.01% 401 3.39% /stats/usage_201409.html
8 331 0.11% 330 2.79% /recepten/
9 267 0.09% 152 1.28% /wordpress/
10 1927 0.62% 131 1.11% /stats/usage_202409.html

Top 30 of 7358 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 14874 4.76% 13116 5.64% 782296 11.53% 516 4.18%
2 10717 3.43% 10388 4.47% 324005 4.78% 10 0.08%
3 10637 3.40% 10334 4.45% 323403 4.77% 9 0.07%
4 9520 3.05% 9230 3.97% 287577 4.24% 9 0.07%
5 7969 2.55% 7917 3.41% 241009 3.55% 37 0.30%
6 4021 1.29% 3990 1.72% 99239 1.46% 18 0.15%
7 3819 1.22% 3749 1.61% 94564 1.39% 22 0.18%
8 3775 1.21% 3754 1.62% 95038 1.40% 18 0.15%
9 3724 1.19% 3699 1.59% 94203 1.39% 16 0.13%
10 3537 1.13% 3522 1.52% 88031 1.30% 15 0.12%
11 3276 1.05% 3119 1.34% 72656 1.07% 14 0.11%
12 3142 1.01% 1885 0.81% 177361 2.61% 1 0.01%
13 2705 0.87% 2641 1.14% 67728 1.00% 16 0.13%
14 2681 0.86% 2666 1.15% 64447 0.95% 12 0.10%
15 2639 0.84% 1846 0.79% 80000 1.18% 8 0.06%
16 2610 0.84% 2576 1.11% 65096 0.96% 19 0.15%
17 2526 0.81% 0 0.00% 1120 0.02% 2 0.02%
18 2506 0.80% 2488 1.07% 61184 0.90% 12 0.10%
19 2368 0.76% 2356 1.01% 58459 0.86% 9 0.07%
20 2309 0.74% 2290 0.99% 57279 0.84% 11 0.09%
21 2290 0.73% 2265 0.97% 57474 0.85% 12 0.10%
22 2290 0.73% 2281 0.98% 57516 0.85% 8 0.06%
23 2267 0.73% 2246 0.97% 55502 0.82% 15 0.12%
24 2170 0.69% 2162 0.93% 52483 0.77% 12 0.10%
25 2116 0.68% 2106 0.91% 55430 0.82% 10 0.08%
26 2070 0.66% 2061 0.89% 50764 0.75% 10 0.08%
27 2056 0.66% 2045 0.88% 52414 0.77% 14 0.11%
28 1987 0.64% 1960 0.84% 46972 0.69% 10 0.08%
29 1828 0.58% 914 0.39% 8539 0.13% 455 3.68%
30 1793 0.57% 1750 0.75% 45730 0.67% 10 0.08%

Top 10 of 7358 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 14874 4.76% 13116 5.64% 782296 11.53% 516 4.18%
2 10717 3.43% 10388 4.47% 324005 4.78% 10 0.08%
3 10637 3.40% 10334 4.45% 323403 4.77% 9 0.07%
4 9520 3.05% 9230 3.97% 287577 4.24% 9 0.07%
5 7969 2.55% 7917 3.41% 241009 3.55% 37 0.30%
6 3142 1.01% 1885 0.81% 177361 2.61% 1 0.01%
7 4021 1.29% 3990 1.72% 99239 1.46% 18 0.15%
8 3775 1.21% 3754 1.62% 95038 1.40% 18 0.15%
9 3819 1.22% 3749 1.61% 94564 1.39% 22 0.18%
10 3724 1.19% 3699 1.59% 94203 1.39% 16 0.13%

Top 30 of 1846 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 249807 79.93% - (Direct Request)
2 11435 3.66%
3 11360 3.63%
4 3140 1.00%
5 2434 0.78%
6 1667 0.53%
7 984 0.31%
8 820 0.26%
9 820 0.26%
10 610 0.20%
11 560 0.18%
12 521 0.17%
13 507 0.16%
14 426 0.14%
15 376 0.12%
16 357 0.11%
17 345 0.11%
18 325 0.10%
19 314 0.10%
20 267 0.09%
21 265 0.08%
22 257 0.08%
23 245 0.08%
24 245 0.08%
25 236 0.08%
26 230 0.07%
27 228 0.07%
28 224 0.07%
29 219 0.07%
30 215 0.07%

Top 3 of 3 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 50.00%
2 1 25.00%
3 1 25.00%

Top 15 of 1197 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 156806 50.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
2 31544 10.09% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
3 14874 4.76% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
4 4785 1.53% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
5 4413 1.41% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
6 3946 1.26% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
7 3685 1.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0
8 3210 1.03% Go-http-client/1.1
9 2709 0.87% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
10 2689 0.86% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
11 2670 0.85% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
12 2656 0.85% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
13 1881 0.60% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
14 1828 0.58% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.66 Safari/537.36
15 1713 0.55% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for September 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 312530 100.00% 235506 101.35% 6782810 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23