Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 01-Jul-2024 00:42 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 1410602
Total Files 1064268
Total Pages 1360207
Total Visits 15728
Total KBytes 28328820
Total Unique Sites 8556
Total Unique URLs 2409
Total Unique Referrers 2648
Total Unique User Agents 3247
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1959 5822
Hits per Day 47020 53107
Files per Day 35475 40752
Pages per Day 45340 49508
Sites per Day 285 1092
Visits per Day 524 958
KBytes per Day 944294 1199749
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 13
Code 200 - OK 75.45% 1064268
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.01% 174
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 23.74% 334843
Code 302 - Found 0.06% 808
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.01% 83
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 61
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.03% 483
Code 404 - Not Found 0.69% 9755
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 6
Code 409 - Conflict 0.00% 29
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 1
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.01% 78

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 46791 3.32% 34796 3.27% 46072 3.39% 511 3.25% 453 5.29% 932726 3.29%
2 51035 3.62% 35366 3.32% 46584 3.42% 481 3.06% 531 6.21% 957714 3.38%
3 46971 3.33% 36186 3.40% 46081 3.39% 485 3.08% 596 6.97% 998454 3.52%
4 45962 3.26% 34920 3.28% 44854 3.30% 741 4.71% 835 9.76% 940595 3.32%
5 45865 3.25% 35106 3.30% 44786 3.29% 786 5.00% 819 9.57% 936344 3.31%
6 48701 3.45% 35620 3.35% 45799 3.37% 677 4.30% 759 8.87% 974138 3.44%
7 45154 3.20% 34502 3.24% 44311 3.26% 823 5.23% 764 8.93% 943516 3.33%
8 45202 3.20% 34617 3.25% 44155 3.25% 458 2.91% 448 5.24% 952051 3.36%
9 46973 3.33% 34879 3.28% 44523 3.27% 425 2.70% 464 5.42% 925556 3.27%
10 44325 3.14% 34010 3.20% 43284 3.18% 612 3.89% 464 5.42% 899912 3.18%
11 46098 3.27% 34675 3.26% 45348 3.33% 424 2.70% 394 4.60% 910151 3.21%
12 48808 3.46% 35345 3.32% 46640 3.43% 451 2.87% 487 5.69% 915907 3.23%
13 46891 3.32% 36121 3.39% 45872 3.37% 500 3.18% 519 6.07% 961808 3.40%
14 47338 3.36% 36937 3.47% 46560 3.42% 386 2.45% 366 4.28% 977120 3.45%
15 46867 3.32% 36274 3.41% 45168 3.32% 595 3.78% 694 8.11% 927117 3.27%
16 48109 3.41% 35750 3.36% 45165 3.32% 372 2.37% 350 4.09% 927619 3.27%
17 44360 3.14% 33401 3.14% 43632 3.21% 250 1.59% 246 2.88% 841394 2.97%
18 29894 2.12% 26262 2.47% 28368 2.09% 293 1.86% 304 3.55% 819042 2.89%
19 46950 3.33% 36237 3.40% 45977 3.38% 294 1.87% 381 4.45% 927514 3.27%
20 46790 3.32% 36079 3.39% 45848 3.37% 462 2.94% 667 7.80% 946120 3.34%
21 47815 3.39% 36577 3.44% 45552 3.35% 529 3.36% 758 8.86% 985003 3.48%
22 46500 3.30% 34579 3.25% 45147 3.32% 488 3.10% 741 8.66% 893112 3.15%
23 53107 3.76% 40752 3.83% 49352 3.63% 558 3.55% 701 8.19% 1025558 3.62%
24 49508 3.51% 36634 3.44% 47223 3.47% 958 6.09% 1092 12.76% 923436 3.26%
25 49258 3.49% 37164 3.49% 47393 3.48% 566 3.60% 856 10.00% 951580 3.36%
26 51855 3.68% 39313 3.69% 49508 3.64% 463 2.94% 810 9.47% 1199749 4.24%
27 48082 3.41% 36404 3.42% 45773 3.37% 689 4.38% 779 9.10% 980269 3.46%
28 48184 3.42% 35217 3.31% 46698 3.43% 617 3.92% 705 8.24% 908640 3.21%
29 48300 3.42% 34555 3.25% 46684 3.43% 548 3.48% 485 5.67% 880764 3.11%
30 48909 3.47% 35990 3.38% 47850 3.52% 507 3.22% 511 5.97% 965909 3.41%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1982 59483 4.22% 1494 44837 4.21% 1909 57270 4.21% 39203 1176098 4.15%
1 1944 58333 4.14% 1480 44415 4.17% 1884 56528 4.16% 39649 1189467 4.20%
2 2045 61354 4.35% 1459 43789 4.11% 1876 56296 4.14% 39137 1174104 4.14%
3 2015 60469 4.29% 1487 44639 4.19% 1883 56491 4.15% 38877 1166300 4.12%
4 1913 57407 4.07% 1452 43582 4.10% 1839 55176 4.06% 37406 1122167 3.96%
5 2067 62019 4.40% 1564 46942 4.41% 1959 58790 4.32% 38753 1162590 4.10%
6 2023 60702 4.30% 1497 44910 4.22% 1957 58717 4.32% 39024 1170714 4.13%
7 1888 56648 4.02% 1408 42257 3.97% 1838 55161 4.06% 37586 1127577 3.98%
8 1940 58226 4.13% 1469 44078 4.14% 1881 56434 4.15% 38273 1148201 4.05%
9 1958 58754 4.17% 1494 44836 4.21% 1897 56927 4.19% 39956 1198673 4.23%
10 2011 60348 4.28% 1551 46552 4.37% 1950 58504 4.30% 44261 1327819 4.69%
11 1963 58908 4.18% 1505 45167 4.24% 1906 57209 4.21% 44943 1348287 4.76%
12 1900 57009 4.04% 1442 43277 4.07% 1848 55449 4.08% 38172 1145174 4.04%
13 1975 59279 4.20% 1525 45757 4.30% 1922 57676 4.24% 40768 1223049 4.32%
14 1979 59394 4.21% 1466 43981 4.13% 1887 56612 4.16% 40699 1220960 4.31%
15 1941 58242 4.13% 1463 43911 4.13% 1880 56420 4.15% 39809 1194267 4.22%
16 1899 56974 4.04% 1440 43212 4.06% 1853 55592 4.09% 38186 1145576 4.04%
17 1951 58532 4.15% 1474 44225 4.16% 1890 56711 4.17% 38657 1159707 4.09%
18 1966 59003 4.18% 1496 44880 4.22% 1915 57466 4.22% 38840 1165215 4.11%
19 1951 58554 4.15% 1476 44291 4.16% 1900 57001 4.19% 37140 1114205 3.93%
20 1925 57754 4.09% 1459 43798 4.12% 1878 56359 4.14% 37814 1134414 4.00%
21 1932 57985 4.11% 1434 43028 4.04% 1869 56090 4.12% 39357 1180709 4.17%
22 1935 58074 4.12% 1480 44420 4.17% 1865 55950 4.11% 39657 1189711 4.20%
23 1905 57151 4.05% 1449 43484 4.09% 1845 55378 4.07% 38128 1143837 4.04%

Top 30 of 2409 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 772428 54.76% 25209333 88.99% /muziek/
2 252895 17.93% 1427956 5.04% /
3 3959 0.28% 18401 0.06% /foto/
4 1916 0.14% 148303 0.52% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
5 945 0.07% 3737 0.01% /wordpress/wp-cron.php
6 839 0.06% 5050 0.02% /wordpress/wp-login.php
7 725 0.05% 12088 0.04% /recepten/
8 619 0.04% 2583 0.01% /lau.css
9 534 0.04% 1713 0.01% /lau-print.css
10 516 0.04% 267323 0.94% /boek/
11 495 0.04% 3175 0.01% /images/laura-logo.gif
12 425 0.03% 21925 0.08% /wordpress/gastenboek/
13 364 0.03% 3198 0.01% /trouwerij/
14 327 0.02% 2525 0.01% /borderline/
15 248 0.02% 1386 0.00% /films/
16 219 0.02% 2522 0.01% /adhd/hype.php
17 197 0.01% 4154 0.01% /arbeidsongeschikt/herkeuring.php
18 186 0.01% 2755 0.01% /zon/
19 185 0.01% 1692 0.01% /adhd/links-adhd-en-borderline.php
20 183 0.01% 372 0.00% /images/rainbow.gif
21 181 0.01% 2322 0.01% /borderline/nurture.php
22 180 0.01% 1958 0.01% /stats/usage_201707.html
23 163 0.01% 812 0.00% /adhd/overlap.php
24 160 0.01% 1214 0.00% /site-archief/
25 155 0.01% 1493 0.01% /tips/internet-veiligheid.php
26 148 0.01% 4581 0.02% /wordpress/
27 146 0.01% 430 0.00% /favicon.ico
28 145 0.01% 1865 0.01% /arbeidsongeschikt/logboek.php
29 145 0.01% 1432 0.01% /tips/MidiPlay.php
30 143 0.01% 1419 0.01% /adhd/

Top 10 of 2409 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 772428 54.76% 25209333 88.99% /muziek/
2 252895 17.93% 1427956 5.04% /
3 516 0.04% 267323 0.94% /boek/
4 1916 0.14% 148303 0.52% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
5 10 0.00% 26929 0.10% /foto/fotoalbum/2009-03mrt-27-Ierland-Guinness-Laura-door-Michel.jpg
6 23 0.00% 26058 0.09% /tips/MidiPlayW7.exe
7 425 0.03% 21925 0.08% /wordpress/gastenboek/
8 21 0.00% 20466 0.07% /images/Melanzane-alla-parmigiana-groot.jpg
9 3959 0.28% 18401 0.06% /foto/
10 725 0.05% 12088 0.04% /recepten/

Top 10 of 531 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3959 0.28% 1712 12.97% /foto/
2 252895 17.93% 1490 11.29% /
3 772428 54.76% 1263 9.57% /muziek/
4 1916 0.14% 880 6.67% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
5 725 0.05% 610 4.62% /recepten/
6 95 0.01% 458 3.47% /stats/
7 516 0.04% 433 3.28% /boek/
8 31 0.00% 187 1.42% /stats/usage_201409.html
9 425 0.03% 159 1.20% /wordpress/gastenboek/
10 148 0.01% 148 1.12% /wordpress/

Top 10 of 540 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3959 0.28% 1743 13.10% /foto/
2 252895 17.93% 1360 10.22% /
3 772428 54.76% 1299 9.76% /muziek/
4 1916 0.14% 884 6.64% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
5 725 0.05% 613 4.61% /recepten/
6 95 0.01% 496 3.73% /stats/
7 516 0.04% 470 3.53% /boek/
8 31 0.00% 177 1.33% /stats/usage_201409.html
9 425 0.03% 166 1.25% /wordpress/gastenboek/
10 148 0.01% 151 1.13% /wordpress/

Top 30 of 8556 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 503521 35.70% 251469 23.63% 1521928 5.37% 138 0.88%
2 223895 15.87% 217328 20.42% 7314380 25.82% 6 0.04%
3 222934 15.80% 216239 20.32% 7292355 25.74% 13 0.08%
4 211922 15.02% 205748 19.33% 6938931 24.49% 9 0.06%
5 12618 0.89% 10835 1.02% 649980 2.29% 524 3.33%
6 8064 0.57% 0 0.00% 3591 0.01% 4 0.03%
7 3939 0.28% 3912 0.37% 103556 0.37% 19 0.12%
8 3514 0.25% 0 0.00% 1554 0.01% 458 2.91%
9 3016 0.21% 3004 0.28% 71684 0.25% 12 0.08%
10 2698 0.19% 2687 0.25% 68826 0.24% 11 0.07%
11 2679 0.19% 2647 0.25% 68756 0.24% 19 0.12%
12 2639 0.19% 2614 0.25% 69007 0.24% 12 0.08%
13 2620 0.19% 2605 0.24% 63820 0.23% 10 0.06%
14 2558 0.18% 0 0.00% 1153 0.00% 1 0.01%
15 2398 0.17% 2379 0.22% 56190 0.20% 13 0.08%
16 2378 0.17% 2363 0.22% 54036 0.19% 10 0.06%
17 2359 0.17% 2345 0.22% 60440 0.21% 11 0.07%
18 2359 0.17% 2348 0.22% 56428 0.20% 10 0.06%
19 2313 0.16% 2303 0.22% 60516 0.21% 10 0.06%
20 2226 0.16% 2207 0.21% 59044 0.21% 12 0.08%
21 2213 0.16% 2158 0.20% 53620 0.19% 12 0.08%
22 2173 0.15% 2135 0.20% 63224 0.22% 10 0.06%
23 2093 0.15% 2079 0.20% 54176 0.19% 10 0.06%
24 1946 0.14% 1932 0.18% 47316 0.17% 14 0.09%
25 1902 0.13% 1891 0.18% 49888 0.18% 9 0.06%
26 1882 0.13% 1725 0.16% 43566 0.15% 14 0.09%
27 1847 0.13% 920 0.09% 8705 0.03% 478 3.04%
28 1746 0.12% 1739 0.16% 46668 0.16% 7 0.04%
29 1720 0.12% 1710 0.16% 41063 0.14% 10 0.06%
30 1696 0.12% 1680 0.16% 44542 0.16% 7 0.04%

Top 10 of 8556 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 223895 15.87% 217328 20.42% 7314380 25.82% 6 0.04%
2 222934 15.80% 216239 20.32% 7292355 25.74% 13 0.08%
3 211922 15.02% 205748 19.33% 6938931 24.49% 9 0.06%
4 503521 35.70% 251469 23.63% 1521928 5.37% 138 0.88%
5 12618 0.89% 10835 1.02% 649980 2.29% 524 3.33%
6 3939 0.28% 3912 0.37% 103556 0.37% 19 0.12%
7 3016 0.21% 3004 0.28% 71684 0.25% 12 0.08%
8 2639 0.19% 2614 0.25% 69007 0.24% 12 0.08%
9 2698 0.19% 2687 0.25% 68826 0.24% 11 0.07%
10 2679 0.19% 2647 0.25% 68756 0.24% 19 0.12%

Top 30 of 2648 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 860600 61.01% - (Direct Request)
2 97889 6.94%
3 97827 6.94%
4 97619 6.92%
5 97567 6.92% https://xn--b1aap1a7d.xn--80adxhks/
6 97133 6.89%
7 8069 0.57%
8 3935 0.28%
9 3114 0.22%
10 3105 0.22%
11 3093 0.22%
12 3089 0.22%
13 3085 0.22%
14 2851 0.20%
15 2375 0.17%
16 1148 0.08%
17 820 0.06%
18 820 0.06%
19 770 0.05%
20 726 0.05%
21 622 0.04%
22 368 0.03%
23 355 0.03%
24 349 0.02%
25 340 0.02%
26 337 0.02%
27 335 0.02%
28 330 0.02%
29 328 0.02%
30 275 0.02%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00%

Top 15 of 3247 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 658751 46.70% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
2 127448 9.04% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
3 12618 0.89% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
4 9231 0.65% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
5 3603 0.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4 Safari/605.1.15 (Appleb
6 3040 0.22% Go-http-client/1.1
7 2884 0.20% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
8 2663 0.19% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
9 2556 0.18% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
10 2325 0.16% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
11 2030 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
12 2002 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
13 1984 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
14 1969 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
15 1875 0.13% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 1410602 100.00% 1064442 100.02% 28328820 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23