Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2024
Generated 01-Aug-2024 00:45 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2024
Total Hits 1460142
Total Files 1135050
Total Pages 1408941
Total Visits 17059
Total KBytes 31826663
Total Unique Sites 10413
Total Unique URLs 2428
Total Unique Referrers 1666
Total Unique User Agents 2285
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1962 4257
Hits per Day 47101 65244
Files per Day 36614 53406
Pages per Day 45449 63504
Sites per Day 335 984
Visits per Day 550 1053
KBytes per Day 1026667 1553883
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 10
Code 200 - OK 77.74% 1135050
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 11
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 21.41% 312603
Code 302 - Found 0.05% 728
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.01% 123
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.01% 77
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 300
Code 404 - Not Found 0.76% 11146
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 10
Code 409 - Conflict 0.00% 19
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 5
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.00% 60

Daily usage for July 2024

Daily Statistics for July 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 40946 2.80% 31443 2.77% 40166 2.85% 402 2.36% 440 4.23% 922296 2.90%
2 30103 2.06% 25978 2.29% 27429 1.95% 459 2.69% 433 4.16% 844067 2.65%
3 32999 2.26% 29412 2.59% 31071 2.21% 686 4.02% 610 5.86% 964122 3.03%
4 33875 2.32% 29801 2.63% 31054 2.20% 810 4.75% 899 8.63% 1007835 3.17%
5 30270 2.07% 27960 2.46% 28577 2.03% 483 2.83% 591 5.68% 957169 3.01%
6 34057 2.33% 29586 2.61% 32468 2.30% 493 2.89% 441 4.24% 966029 3.04%
7 39713 2.72% 31813 2.80% 38782 2.75% 427 2.50% 427 4.10% 890678 2.80%
8 53188 3.64% 38598 3.40% 51825 3.68% 637 3.73% 627 6.02% 1024572 3.22%
9 51604 3.53% 37857 3.34% 50887 3.61% 480 2.81% 508 4.88% 937711 2.95%
10 53882 3.69% 39455 3.48% 51868 3.68% 516 3.02% 667 6.41% 980496 3.08%
11 54180 3.71% 40749 3.59% 51756 3.67% 611 3.58% 833 8.00% 1035933 3.25%
12 57251 3.92% 42013 3.70% 52824 3.75% 662 3.88% 794 7.63% 1412398 4.44%
13 50522 3.46% 37056 3.26% 48554 3.45% 528 3.10% 634 6.09% 937337 2.95%
14 51870 3.55% 37532 3.31% 50531 3.59% 497 2.91% 545 5.23% 934337 2.94%
15 51874 3.55% 37702 3.32% 50658 3.60% 387 2.27% 413 3.97% 949163 2.98%
16 50959 3.49% 37020 3.26% 49965 3.55% 355 2.08% 425 4.08% 922119 2.90%
17 52223 3.58% 37633 3.32% 51195 3.63% 470 2.76% 585 5.62% 969996 3.05%
18 52700 3.61% 38181 3.36% 50021 3.55% 518 3.04% 968 9.30% 949575 2.98%
19 52044 3.56% 37609 3.31% 50633 3.59% 484 2.84% 674 6.47% 947518 2.98%
20 51879 3.55% 37827 3.33% 50519 3.59% 529 3.10% 632 6.07% 963560 3.03%
21 50701 3.47% 37368 3.29% 49760 3.53% 425 2.49% 493 4.73% 929323 2.92%
22 51351 3.52% 37700 3.32% 50382 3.58% 442 2.59% 576 5.53% 942196 2.96%
23 50540 3.46% 37256 3.28% 49821 3.54% 381 2.23% 462 4.44% 950863 2.99%
24 47404 3.25% 34356 3.03% 46065 3.27% 530 3.11% 614 5.90% 858742 2.70%
25 55657 3.81% 42267 3.72% 52804 3.75% 576 3.38% 783 7.52% 1145798 3.60%
26 64773 4.44% 52885 4.66% 63504 4.51% 809 4.74% 619 5.94% 1519101 4.77%
27 65244 4.47% 53406 4.71% 63055 4.48% 917 5.38% 782 7.51% 1553883 4.88%
28 52638 3.60% 46110 4.06% 51520 3.66% 783 4.59% 618 5.93% 1406066 4.42%
29 24280 1.66% 22505 1.98% 23427 1.66% 374 2.19% 398 3.82% 758041 2.38%
30 30423 2.08% 28241 2.49% 29665 2.11% 574 3.36% 608 5.84% 941953 2.96%
31 40992 2.81% 37731 3.32% 38155 2.71% 1053 6.17% 984 9.45% 1303786 4.10%

Hourly usage for July 2024

Hourly Statistics for July 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1825 56603 3.88% 1408 43673 3.85% 1776 55083 3.91% 38471 1192593 3.75%
1 1997 61935 4.24% 1575 48829 4.30% 1940 60160 4.27% 42967 1331985 4.19%
2 1929 59814 4.10% 1465 45438 4.00% 1837 56947 4.04% 41025 1271766 4.00%
3 1949 60419 4.14% 1524 47251 4.16% 1855 57509 4.08% 48451 1501987 4.72%
4 2006 62195 4.26% 1552 48128 4.24% 1926 59731 4.24% 42299 1311262 4.12%
5 2028 62886 4.31% 1590 49290 4.34% 1962 60839 4.32% 48662 1508528 4.74%
6 1874 58122 3.98% 1431 44361 3.91% 1820 56434 4.01% 38865 1204828 3.79%
7 1903 59017 4.04% 1468 45519 4.01% 1856 57565 4.09% 39453 1223054 3.84%
8 2075 64345 4.41% 1643 50946 4.49% 2007 62247 4.42% 46150 1430645 4.50%
9 2108 65348 4.48% 1672 51838 4.57% 2040 63245 4.49% 46802 1450865 4.56%
10 2014 62464 4.28% 1535 47588 4.19% 1913 59329 4.21% 43059 1334828 4.19%
11 1973 61193 4.19% 1543 47853 4.22% 1892 58655 4.16% 43587 1351186 4.25%
12 1908 59169 4.05% 1487 46124 4.06% 1856 57566 4.09% 41550 1288046 4.05%
13 2044 63392 4.34% 1629 50513 4.45% 1981 61414 4.36% 45143 1399437 4.40%
14 1976 61273 4.20% 1533 47543 4.19% 1897 58834 4.18% 43330 1343235 4.22%
15 1944 60272 4.13% 1501 46548 4.10% 1893 58693 4.17% 42488 1317120 4.14%
16 1905 59080 4.05% 1480 45896 4.04% 1861 57698 4.10% 41156 1275846 4.01%
17 1920 59531 4.08% 1481 45930 4.05% 1845 57207 4.06% 39480 1223890 3.85%
18 2072 64240 4.40% 1659 51452 4.53% 2024 62764 4.45% 46155 1430804 4.50%
19 1862 57749 3.96% 1404 43525 3.83% 1765 54739 3.89% 38459 1192230 3.75%
20 1929 59825 4.10% 1511 46861 4.13% 1878 58220 4.13% 42824 1327531 4.17%
21 1897 58836 4.03% 1476 45769 4.03% 1842 57105 4.05% 40800 1264808 3.97%
22 1957 60682 4.16% 1520 47141 4.15% 1858 57627 4.09% 43032 1333978 4.19%
23 1992 61752 4.23% 1517 47034 4.14% 1913 59330 4.21% 42458 1316213 4.14%

Top 30 of 2428 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 870791 59.64% 28388568 89.20% /muziek/
2 216841 14.85% 1200396 3.77% /
3 4990 0.34% 25075 0.08% /foto/
4 1887 0.13% 137432 0.43% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
5 967 0.07% 3820 0.01% /wordpress/wp-cron.php
6 596 0.04% 302688 0.95% /boek/
7 556 0.04% 1651 0.01% /lau-print.css
8 556 0.04% 1889 0.01% /lau.css
9 533 0.04% 8878 0.03% /wordpress/wp-content/uploads/cropped-laura-logo-1.gif
10 530 0.04% 25499 0.08% /wordpress/gastenboek/
11 457 0.03% 8804 0.03% /recepten/
12 365 0.02% 3263 0.01% /trouwerij/
13 319 0.02% 3909 0.01% /tips/MidiPlay.php
14 313 0.02% 2972 0.01% /links/links-bekenden.php
15 297 0.02% 1872 0.01% /images/laura-logo.gif
16 289 0.02% 11514 0.04% /wordpress/
17 284 0.02% 1611 0.01% /vakantie/
18 235 0.02% 470 0.00% /images/rainbow.gif
19 233 0.02% 2616 0.01% /adhd/
20 211 0.01% 2244 0.01% /adhd/links-adhd-en-borderline.php
21 202 0.01% 2423 0.01% /tips/
22 201 0.01% 1586 0.00% /tips/pda.php
23 201 0.01% 6132 0.02% /tips/webbouwen.php
24 200 0.01% 2948 0.01% /arbeidsongeschikt/logboek.php
25 198 0.01% 1082 0.00% /films/
26 198 0.01% 439 0.00% /wordpress/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed
27 189 0.01% 2887 0.01% /zon/
28 185 0.01% 454 0.00% /favicon.ico
29 183 0.01% 1097 0.00% /adhd/adhd-boeken.php
30 166 0.01% 1538 0.00% /tips/internet-veiligheid.php

Top 10 of 2428 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 870791 59.64% 28388568 89.20% /muziek/
2 216841 14.85% 1200396 3.77% /
3 596 0.04% 302688 0.95% /boek/
4 1887 0.13% 137432 0.43% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
5 12 0.00% 45476 0.14% /foto/fotoalbum/2014-06juni-14-Laura-Pieterskerk-1.jpg
6 9 0.00% 36893 0.12% /foto/fotoalbum/2014-04april-23-Laura-kort-haar-1.jpg
7 10 0.00% 26371 0.08% /foto/fotoalbum/2009-03mrt-27-Ierland-Guinness-Laura-door-Michel.jpg
8 530 0.04% 25499 0.08% /wordpress/gastenboek/
9 4990 0.34% 25075 0.08% /foto/
10 17 0.00% 22464 0.07% /tips/MidiPlayW7.exe

Top 10 of 543 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 870791 59.64% 3334 21.90% /muziek/
2 216841 14.85% 1426 9.37% /
3 4990 0.34% 1250 8.21% /foto/
4 1887 0.13% 1008 6.62% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
5 596 0.04% 556 3.65% /boek/
6 19 0.00% 527 3.46% /stats/usage_201409.html
7 457 0.03% 517 3.40% /recepten/
8 106 0.01% 480 3.15% /stats/
9 530 0.04% 267 1.75% /wordpress/gastenboek/
10 289 0.02% 119 0.78% /wordpress/

Top 10 of 551 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 870791 59.64% 3409 22.21% /muziek/
2 216841 14.85% 1328 8.65% /
3 4990 0.34% 1247 8.12% /foto/
4 1887 0.13% 1003 6.53% /wordpress/gastenboek/comment-page-1/
5 596 0.04% 589 3.84% /boek/
6 457 0.03% 528 3.44% /recepten/
7 19 0.00% 528 3.44% /stats/usage_201409.html
8 106 0.01% 515 3.35% /stats/
9 530 0.04% 274 1.78% /wordpress/gastenboek/
10 289 0.02% 142 0.92% /wordpress/

Top 30 of 10413 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 431017 29.52% 215423 18.98% 1279737 4.02% 118 0.69%
2 232775 15.94% 227558 20.05% 7569990 23.79% 9 0.05%
3 231951 15.89% 226864 19.99% 7544063 23.70% 7 0.04%
4 215312 14.75% 210394 18.54% 6992720 21.97% 6 0.04%
5 25308 1.73% 0 0.00% 12110 0.04% 2 0.01%
6 18240 1.25% 16464 1.45% 1004734 3.16% 540 3.17%
7 5434 0.37% 0 0.00% 2600 0.01% 9 0.05%
8 4046 0.28% 0 0.00% 1802 0.01% 2 0.01%
9 3770 0.26% 3739 0.33% 94072 0.30% 16 0.09%
10 3377 0.23% 3353 0.30% 78375 0.25% 20 0.12%
11 3056 0.21% 2985 0.26% 72246 0.23% 16 0.09%
12 2999 0.21% 2958 0.26% 104848 0.33% 19 0.11%
13 2693 0.18% 2681 0.24% 65558 0.21% 11 0.06%
14 2342 0.16% 2331 0.21% 55600 0.17% 11 0.06%
15 2190 0.15% 2162 0.19% 49820 0.16% 14 0.08%
16 2113 0.14% 1640 0.14% 41453 0.13% 1 0.01%
17 2068 0.14% 2050 0.18% 48238 0.15% 11 0.06%
18 1930 0.13% 964 0.08% 8987 0.03% 505 2.96%
19 1858 0.13% 1843 0.16% 42282 0.13% 11 0.06%
20 1744 0.12% 0 0.00% 771 0.00% 206 1.21%
21 1738 0.12% 28 0.00% 19277 0.06% 4 0.02%
22 1722 0.12% 0 0.00% 761 0.00% 205 1.20%
23 1504 0.10% 1498 0.13% 36233 0.11% 5 0.03%
24 1474 0.10% 1454 0.13% 34424 0.11% 15 0.09%
25 1474 0.10% 1457 0.13% 35442 0.11% 8 0.05%
26 1425 0.10% 1415 0.12% 35084 0.11% 8 0.05%
27 1416 0.10% 1407 0.12% 35219 0.11% 6 0.04%
28 1386 0.09% 1380 0.12% 30417 0.10% 5 0.03%
29 1330 0.09% 1310 0.12% 27835 0.09% 11 0.06%
30 1310 0.09% 1303 0.11% 29651 0.09% 6 0.04%

Top 10 of 10413 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 232775 15.94% 227558 20.05% 7569990 23.79% 9 0.05%
2 231951 15.89% 226864 19.99% 7544063 23.70% 7 0.04%
3 215312 14.75% 210394 18.54% 6992720 21.97% 6 0.04%
4 431017 29.52% 215423 18.98% 1279737 4.02% 118 0.69%
5 18240 1.25% 16464 1.45% 1004734 3.16% 540 3.17%
6 2999 0.21% 2958 0.26% 104848 0.33% 19 0.11%
7 3770 0.26% 3739 0.33% 94072 0.30% 16 0.09%
8 3377 0.23% 3353 0.30% 78375 0.25% 20 0.12%
9 1264 0.09% 978 0.09% 72665 0.23% 4 0.02%
10 3056 0.21% 2985 0.26% 72246 0.23% 16 0.09%

Top 30 of 1666 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 947190 64.87% - (Direct Request)
2 69804 4.78%
3 69780 4.78%
4 69742 4.78%
5 69701 4.77%
6 69697 4.77%
7 69692 4.77%
8 18705 1.28%
9 6597 0.45%
10 4046 0.28%
11 2526 0.17%
12 2526 0.17% https://xn--b1aap1a7d.xn--80adxhks/
13 2525 0.17%
14 2521 0.17%
15 2503 0.17%
16 2445 0.17%
17 2318 0.16%
18 2192 0.15%
19 1919 0.13%
20 1598 0.11%
21 1545 0.11%
22 1148 0.08%
23 1041 0.07%
24 820 0.06%
25 820 0.06%
26 807 0.06%
27 770 0.05%
28 713 0.05%
29 711 0.05%
30 701 0.05%

Top 15 of 2285 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 543458 37.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
2 136580 9.35% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonbot/0.1; +https
3 109293 7.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
4 93938 6.43% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
5 18240 1.25% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
6 13532 0.93% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
7 3433 0.24% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
8 3393 0.23% Go-http-client/1.1
9 3356 0.23% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
10 3335 0.23% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
11 3334 0.23% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
12 2717 0.19% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeekportBot; +
13 2212 0.15% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
14 2097 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
15 2047 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +

Usage by Country for July 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 1460142 100.00% 1135061 100.00% 31826663 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23